Omnizid surface disinfectant, lemon, 5 litre canister

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SKU: 128021-1
Regular price Dhs. 222.92 AED
Regular price -33% Dhs. 334.38 AED Sale price Dhs. 222.92 AED

Ready-to-use alcoholic solution for rapid disinfection and cleaning of inventory in hygienically critical areas.

  • Bactericidal according to EN 13727 and EN 13697 (high load), yeasticidal, tuberculocidal and limited virucidal Plus: Conc.: 1 minute
  • With a pleasant fresh scent and very broad effectiveness for your protection

The delivery includes a 5 litre canister.

Use biocidal products carefully. Always read the label and product information before use.
Registration number (BAuA number) according to Section 3 Paragraph 2 of the ChemBiozidDV: N-71924