OmniBiocide spray bottle 1 litre

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SKU: 45407-1
Regular price Dhs. 174.20 AED
Regular price -57% Dhs. 400.66 AED Sale price Dhs. 174.20 AED

Spray bottle 1 liter Aldehyde-free, ready-to-use solution for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces based on quaternary ammonium salts with a pleasant smell, which also enables rapid disinfection and cleaning of surfaces and practice inventory consisting of alcohol-sensitive materials such as acrylic glass, artificial leather and other plastics. The spray bottle is equipped with a duo foam spray head with which the surface disinfection can be used as a foam or as a spray mist. The surfaces to be disinfected must be completely wetted. Then allow to take effect for 1 minute* or according to the time information shown. Bactericidal effect: according to standard DGHM methods including MRSA: 1 minute* as an alcohol-free rapid disinfection. Limited virucidal effect: Inactivation of enveloped viruses e.g. HBV, HCV, HDV, HIV, influenza virus A, B, C (bird flu), H1N1 (swine flu), smallpox virus, herpes simplex, varicella zoster virus, human herpes virus, respiratory sinusitis virus, human T-cell leukemia virus, TBE virus 1 minute* as alcohol-free rapid disinfection. Inactivation of non-enveloped viruses e.g. rotaviruses: 1 minute* as alcohol-free rapid disinfection. Levurozid (candida albicans): according to standard DGHM methods: 1 minute as alcohol-free rapid disinfection.* *(shortest exposure time for surface disinfectants in VAH/DGHM list: 5 minutes)

Use biocidal products carefully. Always read the label and product information before use.
Registration number (BAuA number) according to Section 3 Paragraph 2 of the ChemBiozidDV: N-75592