MiniPik Interdental Brush Size 2S, 10 Pieces, Yellow, 2S / 2.4 mm

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SKU: WMP005-1
Regular price Dhs. 160.80 AED
Regular price -33% Dhs. 241.20 AED Sale price Dhs. 160.80 AED

wellsamed Mini-Pik interdental brushes size 2 S (cylindrical / candle) 2.4 mm wellsamed interdental brushes with handle wellsamed MiniPik interdental brushes are effective and gentle. Dangerous bacteria can build up in the spaces between teeth and can cause tooth decay and gum inflammation. With the right well-samed MiniPik brush, this plaque film can be effectively brushed away. wellsamed MiniPik interdental brushes for efficient interdental cleaning. For daily use for improved oral hygiene. Practical for on the go: wellsamed Mini-Pik are ready for use at any time. Suitable for large and small spaces between teeth, for braces and other orthodontic appliances. wellsamed MiniPik is recommended: for use on the go for narrow and large interdental spaces for anyone who doesn't like using dental floss as a supplement to other interdental cleaning products for people who wear orthodontic appliances How to use wellsamed MiniPik: Carefully insert the Wellsamed MiniPik interdental brush into the space between your teeth and move it back and forth a few times. That's all. If your gums start to bleed, this could be a sign of inflammation, which will subside with regular use. Please contact your dentist for detailed information on gum and periodontal disease.