Kodan N Wipes for surfaces, tin of 90 wipes

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SKU: 70002034-1
Regular price Dhs. 166.96 AED
Regular price -33% Dhs. 250.44 AED Sale price Dhs. 166.96 AED

Caution: New formula, only for non-medical surfaces. Ready-to-use wipes for disinfecting and cleaning all types of surfaces, e.g.: Door handles Work surfaces Toilet area Changing mats Not suitable for alcohol-sensitive surfaces. Effectiveness: Bactericidal Tuberculocidal Levurocidal Fungicidal Norovirus-Rotavirus-Adenovirus-effective Composition: 100 g solution contains active ingredients: 25 g ethanol (94% w/w), 35 g propan-1-ol Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004: Fragrances

Use biocidal products carefully. Always read the label and product information before use.
Registration number (BAuA number) according to Section 3 Paragraph 2 of the ChemBiozidDV: N-76918